Each profile can run on its own predefined schedule
Jobs can resume if they fail (server reboot, network issue/interruption, sql issue etc)
Imports, sync and exports run in sequence and are dependent on each other (like a pipeline) if an import fails then it wouldn’t run the sync, or export.
Start time and frequency have configuration options: for example run every x mins/hours (either start to start or finish to start), run at certain times each day
Schedule per profile will only perform an export if the what-if report for it has been approved, any changes to the configuration will force re-approval.
High speed concurrent imports
We are currently syncing 926 ,000 objects, 18 million attributes, 14 directories, every 15 minutes with a delta sync taking approximately 1 minute.
Complex expression
write ‘if, contains, then else’ statements that result in scope based on conditional logic
each rule is directory dependent
use complex expressions for objects’ scoping or attribute mapping
use and/or expressions to determine if something is in scope.
Rewrite rules
take a source attribute value, check if it matches a given pattern
write it into target with a different value to comply with your standards
Use one of the following: Add String, Remove String, Replace String, Prefix, Suffix, Truncate, Uppercase, Lowercase, Replace Regex
Sync map rule
map attributes from source to taget
use Rewrite Rules to get automatic values manipulation
use Compex Expressions to achieve values change even in the most complicated scenarios
Directory setup
Source and target directories setup and password encrypted with…..
Least privilege access model
Control Export Deletion Threshold, hitting the brakes to prevent accidental deletions
Directories with 40,000+OUs have been tested.
Ignored objects
map attributes from source to taget
use Rewrite Rules to get automatic values manipulation
use Compex Expressions to achieve values change even in the most complicated scenarios
Sync profiles
Multiple sync profiles can be created with same source and target directories but acting in different ways on different objects.
Select source and target OUs limiting the sync scope
Use single attribute or Complex expressions to refine objects scoping
Control target object deletions
Enable SID history sync
Enable Passwords sync
Synchronise group membership
Mail-enable/disable objects
Enable/Disable scheduled synchronisation
What-If report
Any modifications to a sync profile or a configuration need to be approved in the what-if report before it will be alowed to run on the schedule.
Visualise the source and target object current and future attribute values before changes are applied
Detailed logs of the actions and errors are produced.
Switch On/Off information messages
Match rules
match an object using a source attribute value to a target attribute
use single, multi-value attributes or combinations
Re-write profiles
Set OnlyAddMatches to prevent the source Object’s attribute values copying to the target unless they match one of the rewrite rules
Set AddOnlyFirstMatch to apply only the first Sync Rule that matches