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How PowerSyncPro works

PowerSyncPro helps to synchronise users, groups and contacts between directories with no need for complex scripts. It works in a similar way to Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) – using the same import, sync and export terminology – but is far simpler to use. Learn more about the process here.

PowerSyncPro Process

The process

With its metaverse design, PowerSyncPro imports data from all directories into a central database, then runs a synchronisation to identify the changes that need to be made to the target directories.
Once the data is imported you can make synchronisation decisions based on any data from the source or target directory, or even merge in data from other sources.
Have a look at some snapshots of the software in action.


Migration Agent

Key features

PowerSyncPro guides you through the following stages:



Scope determines the objects that are candidates for syncing from the source directory to the destination directory – from a simple scope based on organisational unit to a complex scope based on the attributes and values you specify.



Match finds the object in the target directory that corresponds to the source object – from the simplest example (take the source object’s mail attribute and find a matching mail attribute value in the target directory) to a more complex specification (use the same mail value but replace the domain with a different domain). The next step in the process is determined by the action you select create only, update only, create or update

Proxy Agent


And on the roadmap –  Merge enables you to add additional source directories to the primary source directory. For example, the same user may appear in multiple forests and you need to sync personnel information from different forests to the target directory.



Map tells PowerSyncPro how to create the target object’s attributes based on the source data, while rewrites enable you to manipulate those mappings. Your mapping requirement may be straightforward – mail to mail or name to name – or you may want to replace values, or combine multiple source attributes into a single target attribute.


Password Sync

PowerSyncPro supports secure password hash synchronisation between Active Directory domains – both unidirectional and bidirectional – to help with Active Directory migrations where users might update their password on either side but want that same password used by both sides. The password hash is never persisted outside of the Domain Controllers themselves, and communication is fully encrypted.


SID History Sync

To facilitate Active Directory migrations, we can also sync the security IDs (SIDs) from the source to SID history in the target. Combining this with a trust enables the migrated users and groups to be used to access legacy resources.

How PowerSyncPro works

Simplify your complex migrations

PowerSyncPro can be installed, configured and operated only as part of a professional service package from Nero Blanco IT Limited. View our package prices or get in touch for a personalised quotation or to arrange a demo.

Have a look at some snapshots of the software in action.