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Why PowerSyncPro?

PSP reduces the complexity to implement your directory synchronization requirements. It’s simple to implement, with maximum capability to meet your needs today and in the future. Its features are comparable with some of the more complex and expensive solutions on the market right now.

The business benefits of PowerSyncPro

PowerSyncPro not only performs its intended task effectively, but also goes above and beyond by satisfying additional demands for directory synchronization in unexpected and exceptional scenarios. This is a testament to the exceptional robustness of PowerSyncPro as a migration and data synchronization toolkit.

User downtime


Simplify your migrations

  • Synchronise hundreds of thousands of users, contacts and groups between any number of Active Directory domains
  • Synchronise passwords bi-directionally
  • Synchronise SID history information to help with user and workstation migrations
  • Scope your source connector, map attributes from source to target, and match to existing target objects or create new ones
  • Delete target objects when the source object goes out of scope
  • Perform complex transformations on attributes as part of the sync process
  • Merge data from multiple active directories or your SQL server into a target Active Directory
  • Open, flexible and scalable architecture

You will need:

  • Microsoft Supported Windows Server version to run the software
  • Microsoft Supported SQL Server version to host the database (SQL Express for smaller installs)
  • Service Account for each Active Directory domain
  • Domain Controllers running with functional level of 2003 or later
  • Network connectivity and firewall ports opened (at least TCP 389, TCP 135 and RPC to Active Directory, and TCP 443 to Azure)
  • Application Registration for each Azure Active Directory tenant

When is PowerSyncPro needed?

Getting your identity design right is a critical step before undertaking any migration or coexistence. Common uses for PowerSyncPro include:

  • When preparing AD migrations as a result of mergers and acquisitions when tens – or even hundreds – of thousands of users are involved
  • In large-scale, complex, tenant-to-tenant migrations when domains need to move between tenants
  • During Office 365 migrations, when several Active Directories need to be integrated into a single Azure AD
  • Building a unified global address list (GAL) between different email systems or companies.
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People we've worked with

Just some of the organisations who use Powersyncpro